In this simple interview, Tatiana Briceño describes her passion for plants. First detailing the geography in which she grew up around back in her hometown of Nicoya, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, my mother, connects her surroundings of her upbringing to the palms and succulents she so fervently cares for nowadays. 


  • Interviewed: Tatiana Briceño
  • Interview by: Luis Briceño
  • Cinematography: Luis Briceño
  • Sound: Luis Briceño
  • Editing: Luis Briceño


Shoot a 2 to 5-minute interview with up to two subjects at once. The formal approach will be entirely up to the creator. You can shoot hand held or use a tripod. You are allowed to move the camera (pan and tilt). You are not allowed to shoot B-roll outside of the immediate space in which the interview is conducted. The interview has to have an emotional impact. 

Using Format