Created by Gia Simone and Luis Briceño, this 3 minute short follows a female college student as she gets in her car but to her surprise the vehicle will not start. As she proceeds to attempt to start the car, she is approached by an unknown entity begging to be let into her car, as the encounter plays out, the tension escalates, resulting in a surprising ending!


  • Created & Written by: Luis Briceño & Gia Simone 
  • Starring: Julie Troiano 
  • Cinematography: Luis Briceño
  • Sound & Sound Design: Gia Simone
  • Editing: Luis Briceño
  • Coloring: Gia Simone


Shoot a 3 to 6-minute scene where the central dramatic action is not shown on camera. 

Contributed Materials


Annotated script to visualize shots.

Shot List

Planned shot and utilized it while shooting. 

Using Format